MYANMAR: The Gospel Spreads Like Wildfire

Source: GodReports, August 4, 2015

The gospel is going forward in an unprecedented fashion—especially in the most restricted countries—driven by prayer, boldness, persecution, and the Holy Spirit, according to a recent report.

“What we are seeing around the world is really a gospel wildfire,” says Brother Jonathan, a Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) international ministries worker.

“We’re seeing the gospel go forward like never before in the history of the church,” he says. “There is nothing which says you have to live in Africa, China, or the Middle East to experience this,” he adds.

A strong commitment to prayer creates an atmosphere for the wildfire to burn. Brother Jonathan asked one indigenous leader in Burma about their strategy to send workers into unreached villages.

“The secret is Fridays.”

“What is it about Fridays?” Jonathan wanted to know.

“On Fridays we all come together and we fast and we pray—every Friday, all day.”

“What if you’re going into a hostile village?”

“If we think it’s going to be a really hostile area, we set aside seven days to fast and pray. When that’s over we go and let the chips fall where they may.”

Jonathan spoke to one 19-year-old worker in Burma starting in ministry who told him: “I’m going to move into a village where there are no churches and no Christians.” Then he planned to build a small lean-to in the forest to live in, work in the rice fields, and start sharing the gospel.

“I’m going to plant a church and appoint a leader and I’m going to move and do it again,” the young worker told him.

“How long do you think you’ll do this?” Jonathan asked.

“Until Jesus comes back.”

The fuel that Brother Jonathan sees in this gospel wildfire is a bold proclamation of the gospel.

» Read full story. It also describes the ministry efforts in Uttar Pradesh, India, which inspired Jonathan.

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