Resource Reviews


Missions Catalyst Resource Reviews 9.30.15

  1. WEBSITES: Ten Sites for Those with TCKs
  2. SERVICE: Online Mission Trip Planning Tool
  3. WEBINAR SERIES: Missionary Care for Churches
  4. ARTICLE: “I Wish My Church Understood”
  5. EVENTS: October Classes and Conferences

Dear Readers,

Ready for some armchair travel or training? We’re excited to tell you about great websites for families with third-culture kids as well as a new web-based service for managing short-term teams called “My Mission Journey.”

A good number of webinars and web-based workshops are planned for October. These include a four-session series for mission leaders and several webinars from Missio Nexus. DELTA Ministries has a webinar on managing risk for short-term teams. Sixteen:Fifteen is offering a free, three-part series for sending churches dealing with missionary care (more info on this below).

Several longer courses are about to launch as well, including another six-week course from the Mobile Ministry Forum on using mobile technology for ministry, and an online “Perspectives” class. To learn more, see the events list below (which also includes events where people actually meet face to face!)

I’ve recently learned of several ministries that work with mission groups to provide high-quality online training courses for cross-cultural workers. Check out Crosswired and Grow2serve. I’m also keeping an eye on several newer projects, Culture Voyager and Missions Academy.

Few (if any) of these sites and services could have existed when Missions Catalyst began tracking mission resources twenty years ago. Isn’t it great to see today’s technologies harnessed for the kingdom? May God be glorified!

Marti Wade

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