BOOK: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures

Source: The 3D Gospel

Readers may have read Roland Mueller’s slim volume on Honor and Shame, which came out in 2001, or Werner Mischke’s more extensive 2015 work on this important topic, The Global Gospel: Achieving Missional Impact in Our Multicultural World.

Recently Jayson George kindly shared with us a copy of his 2014 book describing honor and shame cultures as well as guilt-innocence and fear-power cultures. At only 80 pages, The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures is a quick read and helpful resource for anyone working cross-culturally. It provides an introduction to these three cultural types and explores how the gospel addresses each.

“Although guilt, shame, and fear are three distinct cultural outlooks, no culture can be completely characterized by only one,” says George. “These three dynamics interplay and overlap in all societies.” He encourages the reader not to neglect any of the three facets but to recognize the importance of each in order to share the gospel in a more complete way.

The author hosts the website (which we’ve mentioned here previously) and will lead a Missio Nexus webinar on September 17. He has also developed an assessment tool called It uses 25 simple questions to help you recognize your primary culture type: guilt, shame, or fear.

» Learn more or purchase The 3D Gospel for US$5.50 (or less) from Amazon or elsewhere; the Kindle edition is US$3.99.

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