WORLD: Sharing Jesus with Our Muslim Neighbors

Source: Anglican Frontier Missions, July 3, 2015

On a packed, beat-up bus, filled with smoke, deep in the heart of an Islamic nation, I was chatting with [a] new-found friend who me told me that though his mom and dad were Muslims, he’d didn’t really believe it anymore.

After a few more minutes of conversing, the bus stopped abruptly– no gas station, no rest stop, nothing in sight. What followed absolutely amazed me. Every single man got off the bus, spread out in two lines on the frozen dirt of the high mountain plateau, and began doing the Islamic prayers. Even the guy sitting next to me who had just told me he didn’t believe anymore was joining in!

Though many of us understand some of the historical, political, social, and religious events that have led American culture to become increasingly “tolerant,” relativistic, and post-modern, wrapping our fingers around the world’s second largest religion can be downright baffling. Where is Islam today? How does it differ, country to country? Where might global Islam be heading? And most pertinently, when I meet a Muslim, what are some things I might say or do to draw them nearer to Christ?

» Read full story.

» Also on the topic of Muslim-Christian relations, read How American Muslims Are Helping Black Churches Rebuild After Spate Of Fires (Huffington Post) and watch this fun, challenging, ad about the labels we put on people (Coca Cola).

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