ARTICLE: Ramadan, an Opportunity

Source: SBC International Mission Board

With more than 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, you are likely to be around Muslims at work, at school, or in your community. Your attitude toward them could be a determining factor in their openness to the gospel. Will you take the opportunity of Ramadan to reach out to your Muslim neighbors?

Ten Practical Ways to Reach Out

  1. Prepare a bag of dates and nuts to pass out to Muslim neighbors right before sunset and introduce yourself.
  2. Visit a mosque in your city with a friend.
  3. Fast and pray each Friday throughout the month of Ramadan.
  4. Ask a Muslim neighbor or friend about Ramadan.
  5. Invite some international Muslim students from a local college or university to your house to break the fast one night.
  6. The “Night of Power” falls on July 13. Plan to stay awake through the night with other believers praying for Muslims.
  7. Prayerwalk a neighborhood that has a significant Muslim population.
  8. Go to an evening meal at a Muslim family’s house.
  9. Visit and eat at a Muslim-owned restaurant that is offering the evening meal.
  10. Make plans to connect with Muslims you have met after Ramadan.

» Read and/or share the rest of this article, an excerpt from RAMADAN: An Opportunity. Download the complete prayer guide to gain an understanding of what Muslims believe and learn how to effectively pray and share the gospel with them.

» See also the widely distributed 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World.

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