SURVEY: Effective Mobilization

Source: Launch Survey

Long-time mission mobilizer John McVay and a few others are exploring what it would take to effectively launch more people into long-term global service. They need our help!

If you are currently serving in an international, long-term mission capacity (or have done so in the past), would you be willing to participate in a survey about your journey to the field?

  • Questions are multiple choice or require brief answers.
  • The survey should take about 10 minutes.
  • The survey uses a secure website and avoids terminology that could endanger those serving in sensitive locations.
  • Participants can fill it out anonymously or provide an email address to get the survey results.

If you serve on a team or through a sending agency, could you invite your colleagues to take it too? Even if you aren’t serving overseas, please consider forwarding this email or sharing the link with others you know. Please contact [email protected] if you have questions or comments.

Your participation could help raise up a new generation of global servants!

» To get started, just go to

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