World News Briefs

Missions-Catalyst-no-tagline_largeIn This Issue: Increase of International Students

  1. USA: Staggering Increase of International Students
  2. YEMEN: Christians Say “Suffering Is Our Reality”
  3. TURKEY: Orthodox and Protestants Take Steps to Mend Mistrust
  4. GREECE: A Story of Survival
For additional news, see our Twitter feed.
Arabic Easter Flash MobOn Easter 2011, a group of Lebanese Christians performed the song “Jesus Is Risen” at a mall in Beirut (SAT-7, via INcontext Ministries).


Dear friends,

We have a variety of reports for you this Holy Week, but first want to pass along a few stories that are specific to this season:

  1. Open Doors reports (via Mission Network News) about Resurrection in the Heart of Refugees, noting that Christians in ISIS-controlled areas are celebrating Easter and Holy Week despite the dangers they face.
  2. Have you heard about #orangejumpsuit campaign launching this week? It calls us to stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians, based on the words of Hebrews 13:3 on remembering those in prison.
  3. In reflections on A Postmodern Easter, a Christian and Missionary Alliance pastor explains why he’s changed his approach to reaching those not concerned about discovering what is “true.”
  4. Need help talking about Easter with a Muslim friend or just want some food for thought? Read Easter Found in the Quran?! from Answering Islam, via the Coalition of Ministries to Muslims in North America.


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