Missions Catalyst News Briefs

cropped-Missions-Catalyst-no-tagline_large.pngIn This Issue: News from the nations


With the US Independence Day holiday just around the corner and yet more media reports of “nation rising against nation,” nationalism is on my mind. Last week our home group read in Samuel 1 about Israel wanting their own king. It struck me that for these tribes called by God to be a light to the world, this was the birth of nationalism. And God was against it!

Does nationalism interfere with witness? Maybe. What about transnationalism? How is it different than globalization? And how does it affect the witness of the Church? My friend Justin Long is once again thinking about the same things. Read his thoughts on the complexities of nationalism and the Kingdom.

What does God think of nation building? How can it be leveraged for the Kingdom? Glad you asked. We’re in the season of Ramadan, a time that rallies Muslims transnationally and a great time for us to pray. Read Ramadan’s Effects on Openness (St. Francis Magazine). This article summarizes field observations about the spiritual dynamics surrounding the Ramadan fast, with numerous suggestions for more effectively reaching Muslims with the gospel.

And visuals are great for prayer. Check out Ramadan in Pictures (Al Jazeera).

Finally, what is prayer without a promise? See Psalm 2:10-12.

Pat Noble

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