NORTH KOREA: Missionaries Blamed for Trafficking and Terrorism

Source: Worthy News, May 19, 2014

North Korea has tried to deflect international criticism away from itself by accusing Christian missionaries of human trafficking and even terrorism in the DPRK, according to the Christian Post.

“There are in the northeastern area of China so-called churches and priests exclusively engaged in hostile acts against the DPRK,” said So Se Pyong, North Korea’s ambassador to the U.N. “They indoctrinate the illegal border-crossers with anti-DPRK ideology and send them back to the DPRK with assignments of subversion, destruction, human trafficking, and even terrorist acts.”

Pyong’s remarks come on the heels of an official report released by Kim Jong Un’s government that called the U.S. a “living hell” where rights are ruthlessly violated.

“Such poor human right[s] records in the U.S. are an inevitable product of the ruling quarters’ policy against humanity … Its chief executive, Obama, indulges himself in luxury almost every day, squandering hundred millions of dollars on his foreign trip in disregard of his people’s wretched life.”

The North Korean report was in response to a U.N. report first released in February that detailed the atrocities committed in the DPRK.

“The gravity, scale, and nature of these violations reveal a state that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world,” said the U.N. Commission of Inquiry on human rights in the DPRK.

North Korea is also considered the worst persecutor of Christians by numerous human rights watchdog groups, notably Open Doors.

ยป Read full story. See also a version of the same story from Charisma News.

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