BOOKS: Insight on World Religions

Sources: Bethany House, CrossBooks, and P&R Publishing

Three books published in 2013 have come our way in recent months (e.g., free copies from the publishers!) Would any of these interest you as well?

What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Qur’an, by James R. White. Bethany House, 2013. 320 pages.

This book, published in May, focuses on what Islam’s sacred texts teach about the key areas of conflict between Islam and Christianity, including Christ, salvation, the Trinity, and the afterlife. The author is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization. He writes with purpose, clarity, and confidence. See the Amazon reviews for praise and helpful analysis.

True Jihad: Winning the Battle for Muslims, by Mark S. Pfeiffer. CrossBooks, 2013. 130 pages.

This book, published in March, provides a brief but readable introduction to Islam’s history, central teachings, and contemporary issues, along with some helpful advice on building relationships and answering Muslims’ concerns. The author attempts to provide a balanced, respectful path for Christians to relate with Muslims and share the gospel with them. Pfeiffer directs the Christian Institute of Islamic Studies at Baptist University of the Americas. Learn more at the book’s website.

Christianity and World Religions: An Introduction to the World’s Major Faiths, by Derek Cooper. P&R Publishing, 2013. 215 pages.

This one is designed to offer students (and other readers) a guided tour of six “rival stories” of the world: Hinduism (“the story of diversity and devotion”), Buddhism (“the story of enlightenment”), Confucianism and Daoism (“the stories of order and nature”), Judaism (“the story of tradition and identity”), and Islam (“the story of submission”). It also describes the range of Christian responses to these stories. The author is a professor at Biblical Seminary in Pennsylvania, where he specializes in history and world religions.

Here’s one more resource that might interest you, and this one is a free download. The 92-page report Christianity in its Global Context, 1970-2020: Society, Religion, and Mission offers an overview of the changing demographics of Christianity and Christians’ activities since 1970 (Center for the Study of Global Christianity).

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