Missions Catalyst 06.23.04 – Resource Reviews

In This Issue: The Shaping of Things to Come

  • Book: Transforming Ventures
  • Book: The Shaping of Things to Come
  • American Scandinavian Student Exchange

Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly electronic digest of mission news and resources designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. Use it to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world. Please forward it freely!

BOOK: Transforming Ventures

From: CMDNet Weekly Update 07 Feb 2004, Source

Transforming Ventures – A Spiritual Guide for Volunteers in Mission approaches these mission opportunities with the spiritual journey at its core. Jane Ives weaves scripture, personal witness statements, and spiritual practices into a resource that will impact the individual’s life and the larger ministry of the church. As readers gain a clearer understanding of God’s call in their own lives, they recognize ways that God is already at work in the lives of those they seek to serve. Ives’ book is also an engaging study for small groups.

Order here.

BOOK: The Shaping of Things to Come

From: From: CMDNet Weekly Update 21 Feb 2004, Source

The Shaping of Things to Come – Innovation and Mission for the 21st Century Church by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch puts forwards the argument that Christendom is dying and needs to be removed from its life-support system.

Starting with this frank assessment of the current church, Australians Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch present an innovative vision of how the Church can be more relevant and responsive to the spiritual hunger seen in today’s postmodern world. Instead of mourning the demise of the Western church as the center of society, the authors explain how the church can be reborn through incarnational mission, messianic spirituality, and apostolic structure.

Church leaders who heed the authors’ call will see death turned into new life through the creation of a vital, missional church. Hendrickson Publishers, 2003, 250 pages.

Order here.

American Scandinavian Student Exchange

From: Email From Mert H, 08 March 2004

For those who are interested, this coming school year in the USA, there will be the opportunity to host students from a number of Muslim Majority Countries. The American Scandinavian Student Exchange (ASSE) will be seeking homes for students from various countries, such as Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, and Palestine. If you would be interested in hosting a student, you may contact ASSE at one of these offices:

* Eastern (in Alexandria, VA): 800.677.2773
* Midwestern (in Minnesota): 800.736.1760
* Southern (in Atlanta): 800.473.0696
* Western (in Washington state): 800.733.2773

The program was developed as a response to 9/11/01. It aims to increase communication. It serves to promote security and peace by alleviating misunderstanding. YES (Youth Exchange and Study) students will learn about American values, leadership qualities, and elements of civil society. Students will develop ties with actual US citizens. Students will also work together to make a difference in their home countries. E-mail for further information. Alternatively write to 655 N. Murphy El Dorado, AR 71730, USA, phone 800.376.5876, or visit their web site.

Questions? Problems? Submissions? Contact publisher/managing editor Marti Smith.

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