Missions Catalyst 04.27.05 – Resource Reviews

In This Issue: Stuff for Strategy Coordinators, Senders, Teachers, Intercessors, Mobilizers…

  • BOOKLET: 30 Days of Prayer for Asians in Africa
  • EVENT: Strategy Coordinator Training in Singapore
  • BOOK: ‘Serving as Senders’ Now Available in Spanish
  • EVENT: Missions Mobilization Training
  • OPPORTUNITY FOR SERVICE: Teaching on the World’s Frontiers

Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly electronic digest of mission news and resources designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. Use it to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world. Please forward it freely!

Resource Reviews, edited by Marti Smith, are published once a month.

BOOKLET: 30 Days of Prayer for Asians in Africa

From: Marti Smith, Editor

The South Asian Outreach of Africa Inland Mission (AIM) has just published a 44-page booklet calling and equipping Christians worldwide to pray for the 3-4 million South Asians who live in 22+ countries of Africa. They are Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, and others.

“Asians have been in Africa for many hundreds of years,” the editors explain. “They are a very diverse and influential community, found in many walks of life such as business, media, education, health care, sports, and in some countries, even in politics. Satan has hidden them from the eyes of the many churches, Christians, and mission societies. He used their cultural differences to create enmity between them and their hosts in virtually every country they went. He also hid them from the mission societies as they were concentrating on the African people groups and forgot about the Asians.”

The guide is packed with information! It was obviously well thought out and researched. However, with small type, narrow margins, and inconsistent formatting, it is not as user-friendly as some similar projects.

Currently these guides are only available from the Kenya office. For copies, write to: South Asian Outreach, P.O. Box 21171, 00505 Nairobi, KENYA. Single copies are 150 Kenya shillings (US$2), plus 40% for postage and packing (total = minimum 200 KSH or US$2.80). The international postage can be quite expensive, so if you would be interested in reprinting and/or distributing these guides in your own country, please contact your local AIM office and have them put you in touch with the staff in Nairobi.

EVENT: Strategy Coordinator Training in Singapore

From: Singapore Center for Evangelism and Missions – November 20, 2004

During the month of August 2005, Asia Pacific Mission, together with the Singapore Centre for Evangelism and Missions (SCEM), is conducting a month-long training course in Singapore. It is designed for those who want to make a difference among unreached peoples of Asia by serving in the role of Strategy Coordinator. This training is intensive, practical, and focused, and will equip those who attend for a lifetime of ministry bringing the gospel to people who have never known Jesus – including how to be a prayer advocate or a partnership facilitator, networking with agencies and churches to build the church among the unreached.

By the end of the training, participants will have done research on their focus people group, developed a profile and a draft mobilization brochure, made a list of potential network partners, processed the options for ministry strategies to reach their people group, and compiled a practical master plan.

To learn more, send an e-mail.

EDITOR’S NOTE: If you aren’t familiar with the Strategy Coordinator (SC) role, here are a few of the places you can read about it or find a position as an SC: OMF International, International Mission Board, and Strategy Leader Resource Kit. It’s a great (but challenging) job. We need more people to step into this role!

BOOK: ‘Serving as Senders’ Now Available in Spanish

From: Missions Mobilisation Network

The long-awaited Spanish updated edition of Neal Pirolo’s classic book for missionary senders, Serviendo al enviar Obreros, is now available. As Operation Mobilization’s George Verwer says, “Estoy convencido que éste es uno de los libros misioneros de más impacto de esta década. Al paso que el pueblo de Dios responda a su mensaje, la obra de alcanzar a los no alcanzados avanzará en gran manera. (“I strongly believe that this is one of the most significant missionary books of this decade. Whereas Operation World motivates you to become a World Christian, Serving As Senders tells you what to do once you are motivated.”)

San Diego, California: Emmaus Road International. Order the Spanish or English version by calling 858.292.7020, or by sending an e-mail.


Editor’s note: This book is also available in British English, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Swedish. To learn how to order one of these other versions, or to find out about Neal Pirolo’s ministry, visit Emmaus Road International.

EVENT: Missions Mobilization Training

From: Carolyn Bennett, Accelerating International Mission Strategies (AIMS) – April 12, 2005

Accelerating International Mission Strategies (AIMS) presents “Multiplying Missions through the Local Church,” June 20-24, 2005 at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. Join dozens of pastors, missionaries, church leaders, and students to learn about AIMS training materials and how to network with believers from the United States and other countries to fulfill the Great Commission.

All participants will have the opportunity to be certified as an associate and use AIMS materials to mobilize churches in the United States and on the mission field. Registration is $159 before June 1st, and $199 after June 1st. Special pricing is available for returning associates and for groups of more than three.

Register on-line. For more information, call the AIMS office in Virginia Beach at 757.226.5850, or send an e-mail.

OPPORTUNITY FOR SERVICE: Teaching on the World’s Frontiers

From: Marti Smith, Editor

A dear family in Central Asia is losing their home-school teacher and needs someone to step into her place and work with their kids this fall. A school in Turkey wonders how many parents will have to somehow make the time to come help with school as there are never enough teachers to go around. In America, England, or Germany, a sincere, young, Christian teacher wishes she could get away from struggles with administration and bureaucracy and make more of a difference in what God is doing around the world. We need to get these people together! Can you, as a mobilizer, spread the word about the need for more teachers to serve overseas for a year or more?

Many international schools, cooperative schools for missionary children, and mission teams around the world are looking for teachers who can prepare their kids to do well in their home countries by providing a quality education in the home country’s language and reflecting the home culture’s educational values. Here are three things you can do to help:

1. Write me and I’ll send you an article (58 kb, MS Word) about how my friends in Central Asia have been blessed by their home-school helpers and describing what they look for – or send you the job description!

2. Contact your favorite sending agency or mission team and ask if they need help providing an education for their children.

3. Look in the database compiled by the Association of Christian Schools International for opportunities around the world.


Questions? Problems? Submissions? Contact publisher/managing editor Marti Smith.

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