Missions Catalyst 07.26.06 – Resource Reviews

In This Issue: 27 Ways to Minister to MKs

  • WEB SITE – AIMS Site Provides Free Missions Resources
  • ARTICLE – 27 Ways to Minister to Missionary Children
  • China Resources from OMF
  • EVENT – Conference on Ministry to North American Muslims
  • BOOK – Light Force

Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly electronic digest of mission news and resources designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. Use it to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world. Please forward it freely!

Resource Reviews, edited by Marti Smith, are published once a month.

WEB SITE – AIMS Site Provides Free Missions Resources

From: Carolyn Bennett, AIMS – May 3 press release

Accelerating International Mission Strategies (AIMS) has introduced a new web site. Learn about their strategic, new epicenters focus and the latest news about how God is using the AIMS ministry around the world. The new resource center provides pastors, students, and laypersons materials to help their churches become more missions-focused.

Download free informational brochures, bulletin inserts to help your congregation pray for the unreached, and tips on planning your next missions conference, or shop for missions books, videos, and other resources in the on-line bookstore. Plus, find out how you can get involved through short-term missions trips, upcoming conferences, and strategic prayer.

ARTICLE – 27 Ways to Minister to Missionary Children

From: Synergy Newsletter – June 2006, DualReach

EDITOR’S NOTE: It looks like the Synergy Newsletter is back! Here are three practical ideas from a recent article about how you and your church can honor missionary kids (MKs).

1. Post current pictures of the family.

Be sure to post an updated picture of the family in the host home and in the church. Having an updated picture shows care to the MKs, who hate to come home to pictures of themselves from eight years ago posted on the refrigerators or on the bulletin board in the church.

2. Do some research and prepare for the MK’s arrival.

Before hosting a missionary family, do some research on the country where they are working. Involve your children in this research and learn about the place where this family lives. Build anticipation so the host children will be eager to learn from the MKs when they arrive. This could also be done by the Sunday school class of the MK’s age group, so the MK will be a celebrity who is everyone’s friend when he or she arrives rather than feeling like the missionary’s kid that no one understands or knows how to talk to.

3. Help them get acquainted with new friends before church.

When missionaries with children come to speak in your church, let them stay with a family that has friendly kids who are their age or with the youth leader or Sunday school teacher. Let them get acquainted with these new friends before church so they can go with their new friends to Sunday school, youth group, etc., and not feel so alone. Or invite some kids their age to have supper with them Saturday night before they visit a church on Sunday.

Another two dozen ideas can be found here.

China Resources from OMF

From: OMF International

China is one of the world’s oldest civilizations, with 4000 years of rich history and culture; dynasties, innovative discoveries, times of conquest and isolation, political upheaval – and a determined people. It has been said that China has the potential to bring great blessing to the world. What will it take?

China Resource Handbook: This 140-page resource book includes articles which cover China’s past and present, offering an in-depth look into this vast and diverse country. Features include a timeline tracing Christianity throughout China’s history; a personal, inside look at the church in China and the issues it faces; profiles of ethnic and socio-economic people groups; a synopsis of the key issues and current events shaping China today, including the 2008 Olympics and foreign relations; and insight into the future of Christianity in China from renowned China expert Tony Lambert.

PRICE: US $17.00.

China Resource DVD: As God pursues China’s millions, he is pursuing faithful men and women who will give themselves to serve among the Chinese. The China Resource DVD provides a visual perspective on this nation loved by God. Included are four videos and six PowerPoint presentations. This is a great resource for Sunday school classes, Bible schools, small group studies, etc.

PRICE: US $10.00.

Pray for China! A 30-Day Prayer Guide: Much has been said about the revival of Christianity in China in recent decades, and yet, more than 1.2 billion Chinese – nearly one-fifth of the world population – do not know Christ! Many have never even heard. Written by renowned China expert Tony Lambert, this 32-page guide takes readers through 30 days of prayer, addressing some of the key issues facing China in the 21st century and allowing readers to pray with insight.

PRICE: US $3.00.

China Resource Package: These resources are meant to be used together and can be purchased in a set which includes one copy each of the handbook, DVD, and prayer guide, plus some additional brochures.

PRICE: US $30.00.

All these resources can be purchased from regional or national offices or OMF Books. Shipping to US addresses is free for orders over US $25.

EDITOR’S NOTE: These resources would be very helpful in preparing for a short-term trip to China or mobilizing others on one’s return. Readers would also enjoy the companion web site, China’s Millions, although those with older software or a low-speed connection might have trouble with some of its features.

BOOK – Light Force

From: David Mays, ACMC – February 24, 2006

EDITOR’S NOTE: I meant to run David’s article closer to its original publication date, just as I meant to read Brother Andrew’s book on the Middle East back in 2004, but both seem as relevant now as ever.

Light Force: A Stirring Account of the Church Caught in the Middle East Crossfire
Brother Andrew and Al Janssen
Fleming H. Revell, 2004, 319 pages.

Brother Andrew grew up in Holland, living as a boy under German occupation. He is best known for his work visiting, teaching, and taking Bibles to Christians behind the Iron Curtain. This is the story of his efforts since 1968 to strengthen the church and bring peace in the Middle East. The book helps readers understand the suffering and plight of Palestinian Christians who have felt ignored by the Western Church.


“My call was to strengthen the Church in the Middle East. Could I do it without getting caught in the cross fire of deeply held conviction? Was it possible for believers to rise above their differences and experience unity to stand against the evil darkness?” (p. 25)

“The Church is also supposed to be a light in the darkness, but it’s hard to fulfill your mission when you are fighting for your very survival . . . My mission has been to strengthen the church where it struggles for its survival . . . That’s why I went to Lebanon during the civil war that raged from 1975 to 1990 – to minister to those who minister.” (pp. 27-28)

“In a meeting with Ayatollah Fadlallah, the spiritual leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon, he told me ‘Brother Andrew, you Christians have a problem,’ he told me. You Christians are not following the life of Jesus Christ anymore.’ That was an interesting observation from a fundamentalist leader. It really hit me hard, so I asked him, ‘What do you think we should do about that?’ He said, ‘You must go back to the Book.'” (p. 196)

“Suddenly I realized that I didn’t have to agree with Muslims to identify with their deep, heartfelt cries to God. Something melted in me at that moment. I realized that I genuinely enjoyed being with these men. I had met them in their dire need and now I sat with them, a small Bible in my hand, ready to offer them hope.” (p. 183)

More excerpts here.
Additional Book Notes from David Mays here.

EVENT – Conference on Ministry to North American Muslims

From: Oasis

The next “Oasis” conference will be held October 26-28, 2006 in Atlanta, Georgia. This event gives practical training and resources to help your church reach out to the local Muslim community.

Get practical training:

Gain answers to questions like: How can we reach out in love to our Muslim neighbors? How can we clearly present the gospel to Muslims without offending them? How can my congregation reach out to the Muslim community down the street? How can my student group reach out to Muslims on my campus?

Resources for equipping your church:

Learn about seminars, classes, short-term trips overseas, and Bible studies designed to mobilize your congregation.

Visit a mosque for Friday prayers: Gain perspective on the lives of American Muslims as you witness a Friday prayer service at the Islamic Society of North America.

Chance to network with other leaders:

Meet and learn from other Christians and church leaders who share your passion to reach the Muslim community with the hope of Christ.

Sponsored by: Crescent Project, Arab World Ministries, Cafe1040, Caleb Project, Frontiers, Operation Mobilisation, Pioneers, and Project Joseph.

Questions? Problems? Submissions? Contact publisher/managing editor Marti Smith.

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