Missions Catalyst 04.14.04 – Practical Mobilization

In This Issue: New Mobilizing Strategy – Learn, Care, Go

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New Mobilizing Strategy: Learn, Care, Go

Source: Nate Davis

Perhaps the last time you went to a missions conference you came back with a long list of great ideas and wondered how in the world you were going to make them happen at your church. When you gathered with other missions-minded people from you church, your list of terrific ideas grew longer. The group, however, could not decide which ideas to pursue. Would it be the children’s missions class curriculum, the short-term trip, the prayer meetings, or any one of the other 20 ideas that seem important? Of course, you may have also wondered how you are going to get the leaders of your church involved with your cause. Being a missions mobilizer can be frustrating, but relief may be in sight.

The Learn, Care, Go mobilizing strategy introduces a structure – a hierarchy – where individuals with ideas can find their niche. By assigning specific leadership roles and task assignments, mission ideas can take form at your church.

In the suburbs of Denver, at Faith Bible Chapel, a small group of missions-minded people plans to have 10% of their 4,000 member church involved in their “Learn, Care, Go” missions task force. The hierarchy allows them to plug people in and get them started on the church’s missions goals. Though they are early in the process, people are responding positively to the program and are volunteering. Children’s programs are getting off the ground, home groups are adopting missionaries, two adult missions classes have been introduced, a manned missions kiosk is operating after services, and training materials are being provided for short-term missions trips. All of these programs are new, all of them run by volunteers, and all of them are thanks to “Learn, Care, Go.”

The structure promotes three goals:
1. To teach others about missions (Learn).
2. To take care of missionaries (Care).
3. And to help others pack up for a missions adventure (Go).

Each of these goals needs its own champion (leader). These leaders can then appoint other people to be in charge of aspects their group’s goals.

Advantages to “Learn, Care, Go” are worth mentioning. The structure will accommodate as few as three volunteers, but will also make room for hundreds, so it works in any size church. The structure also makes the mission program feel official, which makes it easier for people to commit time to the projects. In addition, the structure allows people who are working on one task to know that other important jobs are getting done, too. Those appointed to lead a task can focus, and they can be held accountable. All of this is done without overburdening the pastoral staff, because it’s a volunteer program. Finally, the structure does not set up another church committee. It establishes a task force. People who participate do not sit and make decisions, but they actively try to get other people working with them to get the job done.

The “Learn, Care, Go” strategy helps people involved in the task force understand the structure of the mission volunteer program, but it also has advantages to those who are not involved with missions. For example, when a person walks up to the missions kiosk at Faith Bible Chapel, he sees his three choices. He can find his niche by choosing to learn, care, or go. The printed materials at the kiosk are categorized accordingly. “Learn, Care, Go” also communicates that the person might choose to progress through a program of growth and action at the church, first learning, then caring, and next going.

If the “Learn, Care, Go” strategy proves its metal, then what is in its future? Members of one church’s Care group might be sharing ideas with another church’s Care group. Lay people may become experts in their particular role of the program. Conferences and printed materials might be made available to help churches develop their “Learn, Care, Go” mobilizing strategy. For now, though, the plan is making its humble beginnings in what it hopes will be a glorious advancement of the kingdom of God.

If this strategy sounds good to you and you would like to try it at your church, contact Nate to help you understand the “Learn, Care, Go” mobilizing strategy.

Questions? Problems? Submissions? Contact publisher/managing editor Marti Smith.

2 thoughts on “Missions Catalyst 04.14.04 – Practical Mobilization”

  1. I would like to know more about Learn, Care, Go to help mobilize my church towards Chrisitian mission work.

  2. Hi Naomi! As you may have noticed, we reviewed this web resource in 2004. So, a lot of water under the bridge since then. Looks like the website is still up and was being updated until mid-2011. You may find the ideas it offers quite helpful. Some of the resources, though, may not longer be available or may be available from other sources at this point. I’d encourage you to take a look! If there’s something specific which you are seeking, let me know and I might be able to help.

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